FHWS Gebäude Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20 in Würzburg

Effective Communication for Work and Study Abroad (B2) - Prüfungsnummer 9958388

Do you find it challenging to communicate with colleagues or business partners from different cultural backgrounds, with different norms and values? Are you thinking about working abroad after graduating? With this course you will increase your awareness of how your culture is of influence on how you act, think and communicate with others.

In this conversation class, we will be talking about  engineering topics such as technology, mechanical, electrical, mechatronics, medical, structural,  engineering and many more.

You will be presented with a solid theoretical framework on regional cultural patterns and develop competences that allow for effective communication across cultural barriers. You will learn the wide range of communication processes and problems that naturally appear within an organization or social context in different countries.

Dozent/in: Gostomski (LB)

Stand: 10.08.2023