FHWS Gebäude Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20 in Würzburg


Winter term 2024/2025

Examination conditions


The terms and conditions will detail on the material that you are allowed to use during the exam. The document will be available a few weeks after the start of each new term.

The listing of dates, times and rooms for the exams is published before the end of the lecture period. See the academic calendar on this page for end date of the lecture period.

Important Note

In case you want to take an exam that you already passed a second time, in order to improve  your grade, please note that you have to launch an application at the start of the term following the term in which you passed the first time. The corresponding form can be found in the form centre of the pages of the Department of Student Affairs (see below).

For all types of seminars (including Bachelor and Internship seminars) a registration is required.

Department of Student Affairs

Additional information on exams can be found on the pages of the Department of Student Affairs.