FHWS Building 5, Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, 97421 Schweinfurt

Start Your Career After Your Studies: Between Graduation & Job - Examination number: 9970411S

Do you know the saying, "Give me a second chance to make a first impression"?

In psychology, a so-called "first impression" is when a person forms a pictorial image of another person upon meeting him or her for the first time. However, from the perspective of psychology and brain research, we also know that first impressions can be extremely significant, especially when you start your career after graduation. If you have struck your contact person as likeable from the start, then he/she will not want to see you any differently. Unfortunately, the reverse logic applies just as well! The way you present yourself in job interviews can make or break your career.

On the other hand, fear of public speaking ranks first among the most common fears of humanity at 41%, ahead of great heights at 32% and far ahead of illness and death at 19% (Statista, 2013).

Why is this course important for you?

To help you overcome your interview speech anxiety and make a positive first impression, this seminar gives you a "second chance". On the scientific basis of business psychology and business administration (BWL), you will learn the techniques of recruiting and find out how to implement the rational criteria for a successful professional encounter emotionally and bring your talent to bear optimally in your job interview. This makes your performance a little special every time, and through consistent practice, you can get the real chance for exceptional professional development.

How is this course organized?

The course is organized as a seminar-based class according to the blended learning concept. Thereby, online and classroom contents of the lessons are combined to the following three-stage overall concept:

  • Stage 1: Introduction and guided self-learning phase (online or in presence),
  • Stage 2: Workshop for performance review and teaching phase for further content transfer, as well as guest lectures (in presence) and
  • Stage 3: Self-reflection phase of your personal learning (question-based) as well as mutual assessment (online or face-to-face).

In addition, the lecturer reports from his own experience and presents, among other things, his own image in a joking as well as in a serious way.

What general conditions do you need to consider?

All relevant learning content as well as exercises are uploaded in an e-learning course. After registration and at a certain point in time, the enrolled students receive a first contact with introduction and information about the course and the organization. Right at the beginning, the first exercise task is also announced. Then the first counseling appointments could be arranged.

In order to be able to guarantee personal support, the number of participants per course is limited to 20 persons.

It is initially possible to offer the course regularly, once or twice in a semester.

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Panshef
Stand: 11.03.2024