FHWS at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20, Würzburg

TOEFL Practice Course (B2-C1) - Prüfungsnummer: 9951366W

This course supports students in their preparation for the TOEFL exam. In the course, we practice the skills tested in TOEFL and put special emphasis on listening comprehension, structure and written expression, and essay writing. We will revise some important grammar topics (e.g. infinitive vs gerund, inversion), study writing techniques and the necessary language, extend our vocabulary, and practice different listening techniques (e.g. focusing on keywords, drawing conclusions, etc.). The course will finish with a „normal“ 90 min AWPF-Klausur. If you want to sit the TOEFL exam after the course you will have to go through the standard enrolment procedures with the Educational Testing Service in Frankfurt.

Dozent/in: Herr Honzik

Letzte Änderung: 16.02.2023