Technical Mathematics Lab
Lab manager: Prof. Dr. Christiane Kraus
In many materials, failure of the entire device is the result of damage processes influenced, for instance, by phase transformations and separation processes as well as chemical reactions and thermal expansions on different length and and time scales.
The laboraty's scientific activities aim to enrich knowledge on the modelling, analysis and simulation of phase separation and damage processes. In particular, processes arising from industrial problems are considered.
Understanding the formation and progagation of cracks is essential for material research and failure analysis. We investigate these aspects in micro-structures with phase field models.
In our projects, we derive and investigate thermodynamically consistent models for damage processes coupled with other physical phenomena such as phase separation and transition, heat conduction and chemical reactions. Technological materials are for instance Li-ion batteries and solder materials.

top left image: material phase field with crack,
top right image: stress in the material,
bottom left image: mesh,
bottom right image: temperature behaviour in the material.