Numerical Simulation Lab
Lab manager: Prof. Dr. Georg Wimmer
The laboratory deals with the numerical simulation and optimization of processes in nature and technology. In particular, the numerical calculation of electromagnetic fields is important in the development of many technical products, such as electric motors, generators, solenoid valves, batteries, isolators. Mathematically interesting questions arise with regard to discretization methods, accuracy and error estimates, orders of convergence, parallelization of the algorithms on high-performance computers. Bachelor's, project and Master's theses in this area can be awarded.
Computing cluster
The laboratory includes a computing cluster (CentOS Linux Server Release 7.6) consisting of
- 1 master - 1x Intel Xeon E5-1620 v3 (3.5GHz, 4 cores), 128GB RAM
- 2 nodes (overall 48 cores) - per node:
- 2x Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 (2.5GHz, each CPU 12 cores)
- 256GB RAM
- 3 nodes (overall 96 cores) - per node:
- 2x Intel Xeon Gold 5218 (2.3GHz, each CPU 16 cores)
- 384GB RAM
Matlab Distributed Computing Server (MDCS) is installed for parallel computing with Matlab. The local computer requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox.
Differential forms
A C++ implementation is used to calculate the electromagnetic fields, which is based on the theory of differential forms. It is taken into account that different physical quantities have different continuity, derivative and evaluation properties. For example, the electric potential (0-form) is totally continuous, the derivative is the gradient and the evaluation takes place at one point.
In contrast, the magnetic flux density (2-form) is normally continuous, the derivative is the divergence, and the evaluation is given by a surface integral. Furthermore, the order of the discretization error, which arises due to the finite fineness of the grid, is significant.
Projects have been carried out with Bundeswehr Research Institute for Protective Technologies and CBRN Protection and Jiaotong University Shanghai, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering.
- Error investigations of finite element methods in adaptive grid structures
- Calculation of RLCG parameters, RLCG 参数的计算方法
- Qualiy assurance concept for 2D FEM solver for electrostatics problems
Examples of electromagnetic simulations are...

From left to right: 3D model, reduced 2D model with grid, matrix fill, current density distribution.
3D CAD-construction and simulation with Solidworks
The University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt is official academic certification provider of various Solidworks (SWX) exams (Solidworks Associate Mechanical Design, Professional Advanced Sheet Metal, Surfacing, Weldments, Associate Electrical, Simulation and more) since 2020. For more information on Solidworks exams click here: Link1,
The general elective (AWPF) "3D-CAD-Construction –und Simulation with Solidworks" which is usually offered in summer enables students to pass the exam Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate in Mechanical Design ACADEMIC VERSION (CSWA). The CSWA - Academic Exam is provided in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Chinese S, Chinese T, Japanese, Brazilian and Portuguese.